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Council of Elders

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Viewing Overall
Attack Defence Strength Constitution Ranged Prayer Magic Cooking Woodcutting Fletching Fishing Firemaking Crafting Smithing Mining Herblore Agility Thieving Slayer Farming Runecraft Hunter Construction Summoning Dungeoneering Divination Invention Archaeology Necromancy

Player Current Exp Current Rank 24hr ΔExp 24hr ΔRank 7d ΔExp 7d ΔRank 31d ΔExp 31d ΔRank
Totals 103,062,911,440   0   0   59,875,821  
winterdream 5,462,424,675 3,838 0 0 0 
jackaneeb 728,931,839 252,254 0 0 0 
isiodos 5,800,000,000 2,850 0 0 0 
pker dude jr 5,800,000,000 1,278 0 0 0 
leesters 376,941,527 248,480 0 0 0 
zargo vi 50,574,602 407,502 0 0 0 
das1330 392,187,442 100,520 0 0 0 
mystrys 825,952,578 69,677 0 0 0 
lysistra0 854,343,775 106,608 0 0 0 
meili 633,270,837 123,240 0 0 0 
queenvalerie 5,263,901,769 4,158 0 0 0 
fat slug 2,143,376,486 38,318 0 0 0 
bramady 1,129,453,135 113,219 0 0 0 
vmser 2,829,163,265 48,668 0 0 0 
edvrmn 519,803,736 27,145 0 0 0 
mercifull 1,916,473,717 40,665 0 0 0 
limparse 1,873,983,084 19,074 0 0 0 
barihawk 209,529,138 214,346 0 0 0 
xxcavalierxx 700,063,626 172,708 0 0 0 
helios gamos 2,849,728,201 13,465 0 0 0 
avaganon 184,395,951 63,694 0 0 0 
siobhana 1,371,264,929 47,213 0 0 0 
ajc100 2,631,454,627 23,586 0 0 0 
vlad the old 2,111,604,170 115,147 0 0 0 
rodskaeg 3,507,208,981 110,376 0 0 0 
mordini1 293,227,251 131,869 0 0 0 
neko negde 2,308,922,853 21,911 0 0 0 
binyam 240,733,321 202,553 0 0 0 
gugge 3,371,355,304 15,601 0 0 30,840,484181
jeebe 1,061,600,553 50,734 0 0 0 
ikkipu 1,261,150,005 107,114 0 0 0 
dangermouse 3,001,205,764 52,938 0 0 0 
lux tenebrae 237,998,317 273,163 0 0 0 
dudeonthenet 178,086,089 126,128 0 0 0 
bbeetuna 3,273,761,880 28,687 0 0 0 
jake the cat 1,674,666,719 59,807 0 0 0 
xena dragon 429,497,380 50,033 0 0 0 
nussre 904,223,745 124,781 0 0 0 
brat137 339,453,818 78,071 0 0 0 
countryboy35 198,907,840 153,166 0 0 0 
red tanya 3,370,166,900 10,752 0 0 0 
suzi angel 98,270,091 327,339 0 0 0 
muni1967 1,755,799,109 42,224 0 0 0 
tuturuturu 2,620,995,720 14,843 0 0 0 
mariquin 181,542,117 120,082 0 0 0 
human nature 250,696,312 77,109 0 0 0 
sir dill 21,791,079 475,427 0 0 0 
primadog 670,321,027 209,988 0 0 0 
valgean 527,787,893 203,022 0 0 0 
moly 1,497,051,658 46,048 0 0 29,035,3373,230
polgara 1,129,181,766 73,817 0 0 0 
tim chenw2 1,687,561,051 37,004 0 0 0 
thrawn 901,214,635 166,245 0 0 0 
moreta 1,539,380,074 28,369 0 0 0 
bogus magus 444,835,535 63,195 0 0 0 
zilly zen 1,735,363,796 103,418 0 0 0 
darvaridae 333,747,684 254,671 0 0 0 
sanjushka 6,638 1,838,023 0 0 0 
lord bluey 182,118,282 232,274 0 0 0 
gwenduwyn 1,305,838,134 80,482 0 0 0 
happy aussie 574,206,546 158,742 0 0 0 
sidhelord 329,062,582 111,791 0 0 0 
helio trope 183,804,179 273,265 0 0 0 
rejna 4,964,112,349 6,376 0 0 0 
bumz001 2,491,773,478 34,697 0 0 0 
dalma tia 4,453,822,498 8,471 0 0 0 
ameliapondy 34,580,115 274,779 0 0 0 
4funplay 88,967,768 290,983 0 0 0 
dragoncarrie 250,693,434 235,122 0 0 0 
flint coe 135,318,339 84,009 0 0 0 
per haps 4,842,489 555,705 0 0 0 
raku1972 60,578,777 149,899 0 0 0 
chriswar666 34,511,096 296,988 0 0 0 
cpt andrew g 262,145,360 42,547 0 0 0 
Totals 103,062,911,440   0   0   59,875,821  

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