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Council of Elders

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Viewing Mining
Overall Attack Defence Strength Constitution Ranged Prayer Magic Cooking Woodcutting Fletching Fishing Firemaking Crafting Smithing Mining
Herblore Agility Thieving Slayer Farming Runecraft Hunter Construction Summoning Dungeoneering Divination Invention Archaeology Necromancy

Player Current Exp Current Rank 24hr ΔExp 24hr ΔRank 7d ΔExp 7d ΔRank 31d ΔExp 31d ΔRank
Totals 3,184,989,130   0   0   99,834  
winterdream 173,366,494 9,856 0 0 0 
jackaneeb 19,064,669 113,512 0 0 0 
isiodos 200,000,000 4,709 0 0 0 
pker dude jr 200,000,000 1,906 0 0 0 
leesters 13,059,772 233,477 0 0 0 
zargo vi 6,267,356 268,032 0 0 0 
das1330 14,058,482 89,981 0 0 0 
mystrys 23,860,762 35,772 0 0 0 
lysistra0 33,049,633 31,844 0 0 0 
meili 15,506,255 162,173 0 0 0 
queenvalerie 133,871,034 12,826 0 0 0 
fat slug 66,948,552 36,698 0 0 0 
bramady 22,298,923 93,881 0 0 0 
vmser 23,889,986 25,941 0 0 0 
edvrmn 17,237,208 17,002 0 0 0 
mercifull 45,442,257 48,084 0 0 0 
limparse 45,392,107 48,127 0 0 0 
barihawk 4,443,215 304,196 0 0 0 
xxcavalierxx 16,212,120 126,830 0 0 0 
helios gamos 78,381,858 33,634 0 0 0 
avaganon 4,859,891 63,126 0 0 0 
siobhana 39,046,869 62,031 0 0 0 
ajc100 113,792,938 17,230 0 0 0 
vlad the old 124,112,322 16,045 0 0 0 
rodskaeg 81,211,828 33,046 0 0 0 
mordini1 2,279,860 204,013 0 0 0 
neko negde 50,676,579 38,234 0 0 0 
binyam 6,099,354 263,759 0 0 0 
gugge 54,850,391 47,842 0 0 76,188-11
jeebe 24,637,920 84,057 0 0 0 
ikkipu 21,314,473 99,092 0 0 0 
dangermouse 106,258,688 22,809 0 0 0 
lux tenebrae 15,717,116 149,937 0 0 0 
dudeonthenet 4,041,092 151,535 0 0 0 
bbeetuna 78,779,027 33,558 0 0 0 
jake the cat 79,374,564 33,427 0 0 0 
xena dragon 13,819,835 62,218 0 0 0 
nussre 27,612,481 61,127 0 0 0 
brat137 7,775,972 122,917 0 0 0 
countryboy35 3,627,990 176,961 0 0 0 
red tanya 114,057,113 17,108 0 0 0 
suzi angel 5,045,954 280,060 0 0 0 
muni1967 40,265,682 46,535 0 0 0 
tuturuturu 55,938,892 41,277 0 0 0 
mariquin 6,451,740 102,130 0 0 0 
human nature 7,342,937 96,844 0 0 0 
sir dill 4,070,954 208,597 0 0 0 
primadog 14,678,855 167,945 0 0 0 
valgean 44,868,314 48,524 0 0 0 
moly 29,856,477 85,603 0 0 23,646-162
polgara 45,953,827 47,661 0 0 0 
tim chenw2 65,700,760 41,947 0 0 0 
thrawn 32,100,801 64,693 0 0 0 
moreta 30,095,381 54,609 0 0 0 
bogus magus 13,615,415 93,626 0 0 0 
zilly zen 36,470,494 57,733 0 0 0 
darvaridae 7,948,944 260,878 0 0 0 
sanjushka 0 0 0 0 0 
lord bluey 6,769,604 271,014 0 0 0 
gwenduwyn 47,285,407 46,706 0 0 0 
happy aussie 68,590,358 36,174 0 0 0 
sidhelord 15,175,266 76,032 0 0 0 
helio trope 4,025,046 309,491 0 0 0 
rejna 180,281,549 11,527 0 0 0 
bumz001 60,409,390 39,198 0 0 0 
dalma tia 200,000,000 10,568 0 0 0 
ameliapondy 950,101 319,620 0 0 0 
4funplay 4,138,548 222,232 0 0 0 
dragoncarrie 13,973,870 185,879 0 0 0 
flint coe 6,067,438 68,506 0 0 0 
per haps 311,971 552,577 0 0 0 
raku1972 1,224,801 158,365 0 0 0 
chriswar666 2,274,651 174,646 0 0 0 
cpt andrew g 6,808,717 50,177 0 0 0 
Totals 3,184,989,130   0   0   99,834  

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