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Broken Legion

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Viewing Thieving
Overall Attack Defence Strength Hitpoints Ranged Prayer Magic Cooking Woodcutting Fletching Fishing Firemaking Crafting Smithing Mining Herblore Agility Thieving
Slayer Farming Runecraft Hunter Construction

Player Current Exp Current Rank 24hr ΔExp 24hr ΔRank 7d ΔExp 7d ΔRank 31d ΔExp 31d ΔRank
Totals 19,408,395   0   0   0  
mr 2k 169,242 384,456 0 0 0 
flex guy 38,899 55,027 0 0 0 
bestpretzle2 677,425 838,475 0 0 0 
wilson476 136,830 1,603,853 0 0 0 
musik 1,276,809 537,833 0 0 0 
d a r c 945,362 681,546 0 0 0 
purify herb 13,598 75,931 0 0 0 
gl im baws 0 0 0 0 0 
gier 6,465,342 194,829 0 0 0 
big hitters 0 0 0 0 0 
panda scythe 737,801 824,786 0 0 0 
lettuce king 8,954 89,591 0 0 0 
countly 235,188 1,174,458 0 0 0 
the harok 144,220 21,898 0 0 0 
zipper747 879,782 730,254 0 0 0 
iburnedred 4,141,009 282,974 0 0 0 
smiley phd 1,186,967 596,155 0 0 0 
mlp skillet 230,665 7,223 0 0 0 
the farwek 13,487 76,330 0 0 0 
brkn rs 0 0 0 0 0 
brkn by viz 213,794 10,266 0 0 0 
b0oz 171,997 385,446 0 0 0 
brkn halo 5,229 108,990 0 0 0 
tiny walls 273,758 10,459 0 0 0 
av01d m3 9,838 86,605 0 0 0 
aryskaella 2,252 121,379 0 0 0 
bobby x x 0 0 0 0 0 
machomanatee 219,180 7,794 0 0 0 
elvevenom 154,168 15,592 0 0 0 
bobcats own 826,445 187,196 0 0 0 
mark buerhle 15,411 72,280 0 0 0 
brkn legend 2,187 122,592 0 0 0 
filth range 7,842 76,707 0 0 0 
slavewife 0 0 0 0 0 
the gall0n 43,243 227,048 0 0 0 
juicey j jr 0 0 0 0 0 
07botkiller 0 0 0 0 0 
raaghu 143,797 1,075,433 0 0 0 
ducifer21 17,674 307,049 0 0 0 
two clawz 0 0 0 0 0 
Totals 19,408,395   0   0   0  

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