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Viewing Runecraft
Overall Attack Defence Strength Constitution Ranged Prayer Magic Cooking Woodcutting Fletching Fishing Firemaking Crafting Smithing Mining Herblore Agility Thieving Slayer Farming Runecraft
Hunter Construction Summoning Dungeoneering Divination Invention Archaeology Necromancy

Player Current Exp Current Rank 24hr ΔExp 24hr ΔRank 7d ΔExp 7d ΔRank 31d ΔExp 31d ΔRank
Totals 819,998,601   0   0   0  
pikadill3 6,958,012 108,872 0 0 0 
chibois 16,739,080 48,149 0 0 0 
morphine37 13,355,426 41,660 0 0 0 
follo follo 24,233,826 45,342 0 0 0 
jitsuryoku 15,284,403 29,063 0 0 0 
jdballew 19,210,892 32,027 0 0 0 
grant 919 45,944,050 30,972 0 0 0 
torturedflam 10,757,333 43,265 0 0 0 
jaded truth 6,703,806 211,493 0 0 0 
fikes 13,319,669 65,406 0 0 0 
mr tudjay 14,176,006 25,099 0 0 0 
emiricol 26,283,583 42,708 0 0 0 
hugs 3,785,796 151,565 0 0 0 
kurttheman24 1,105,828 311,275 0 0 0 
roob23 13,266,110 136,770 0 0 0 
nucleus 200,000,000 1,591 0 0 0 
su kota 126,828 497,328 0 0 0 
bibby fritz 7,545,214 115,510 0 0 0 
7z 13,084,236 109,792 0 0 0 
hero of here 546,484 379,589 0 0 0 
lady jayne x 22,193,012 48,771 0 0 0 
knuckleball 22,947 752,868 0 0 0 
pop bottles 957,033 220,447 0 0 0 
zav 700,381 178,597 0 0 0 
define night 0 0 0 0 0 
wishless 0 0 0 0 0 
clop 13,648,203 122,869 0 0 0 
juju potion 41,129,204 15,143 0 0 0 
disapproved 2,465,322 95,402 0 0 0 
fooly 251,570 399,425 0 0 0 
doctor dewk 13,965,256 25,732 0 0 0 
lazzygamer 13,068,510 36,385 0 0 0 
hooverblake 13,568,601 32,650 0 0 0 
of locksley 17,250,168 64,816 0 0 0 
wildxyak 14,026,310 63,271 0 0 0 
sus snorlax 1,071,198 142,865 0 0 0 
juju pewtion 10,139,253 42,979 0 0 0 
flerovium 0 0 0 0 0 
putchar 13,082,360 36,901 0 0 0 
rpcgen 13,133,004 33,768 0 0 0 
mischa music 13,194,112 96,751 0 0 0 
skill smurf 0 0 0 0 0 
derpy lewis 4,553,398 66,819 0 0 0 
derpy ash 901,629 228,415 0 0 0 
maryville 13,070,342 182,023 0 0 0 
xaioh 2,421,184 192,146 0 0 0 
naughty you 1,146,169 197,539 0 0 0 
derpy mike 87,761 329,032 0 0 0 
i drops 2,071,270 277,109 0 0 0 
yourgabberm8 5,559,662 63,705 0 0 0 
ex hacker 936,279 334,325 0 0 0 
caperscaper 1,440,237 303,569 0 0 0 
cha0tik king 275,843 391,645 0 0 0 
darth nex 0 0 0 0 0 
derpy ashton 12,086,642 181,431 0 0 0 
glanzt 0 0 0 0 0 
i am rahl 761,031 301,249 0 0 0 
phioxse 13,064,449 158,435 0 0 0 
t0ny sunser1 901,619 155,212 0 0 0 
wpgaming 135,549 286,521 0 0 0 
zephoria 104,292,511 20,995 0 0 0 
Totals 819,998,601   0   0   0  

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