Theme: Red | Black | White | RS Version: RS07 | EoC

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Viewing Strength
Overall Attack Defence Strength
Constitution Ranged Prayer Magic Cooking Woodcutting Fletching Fishing Firemaking Crafting Smithing Mining Herblore Agility Thieving Slayer Farming Runecraft Hunter Construction Summoning Dungeoneering Divination Invention Archaeology Necromancy

Player Current Exp Current Rank 24hr ΔExp 24hr ΔRank 7d ΔExp 7d ΔRank 31d ΔExp 31d ΔRank
Totals 1,326,338,930   0   0   0  
pikadill3 16,688,088 98,388 0 0 0 
chibois 24,856,952 95,967 0 0 0 
morphine37 18,222,318 71,412 0 0 0 
follo follo 200,000,000 3,795 0 0 0 
jitsuryoku 13,514,381 167,109 0 0 0 
jdballew 15,608,474 168,096 0 0 0 
grant 919 38,830,142 64,629 0 0 0 
torturedflam 449,571 427,411 0 0 0 
jaded truth 13,476,355 236,117 0 0 0 
fikes 14,941,238 121,424 0 0 0 
mr tudjay 15,035,528 105,479 0 0 0 
emiricol 26,204,057 93,174 0 0 0 
hugs 4,013,176 358,395 0 0 0 
kurttheman24 1,370,456 528,704 0 0 0 
roob23 565,473 690,647 0 0 0 
nucleus 200,000,000 4,143 0 0 0 
su kota 1,047,063 554,425 0 0 0 
bibby fritz 9,432,513 249,914 0 0 0 
7z 60,040,023 19,874 0 0 0 
hero of here 5,797,724 372,966 0 0 0 
lady jayne x 85,304,647 34,511 0 0 0 
knuckleball 9,087 1,280,328 0 0 0 
pop bottles 13,057,648 201,355 0 0 0 
zav 13,785,409 94,486 0 0 0 
define night 0 0 0 0 0 
wishless 0 0 0 0 0 
clop 14,148,955 214,140 0 0 0 
juju potion 200,000,000 319 0 0 0 
disapproved 14,236,164 85,870 0 0 0 
fooly 4,167,625 351,143 0 0 0 
doctor dewk 36,308,074 18,073 0 0 0 
lazzygamer 9,922,860 123,679 0 0 0 
hooverblake 7,806,329 249,136 0 0 0 
of locksley 15,109,207 179,899 0 0 0 
wildxyak 14,966,402 140,427 0 0 0 
sus snorlax 5,459,200 189,873 0 0 0 
juju pewtion 18,936,102 46,770 0 0 0 
flerovium 38,357 1,074,828 0 0 0 
putchar 893,545 374,706 0 0 0 
rpcgen 2,022,923 291,947 0 0 0 
mischa music 3,058,607 406,782 0 0 0 
skill smurf 0 0 0 0 0 
derpy lewis 3,390,497 208,838 0 0 0 
derpy ash 13,277,279 171,593 0 0 0 
maryville 14,386,807 199,254 0 0 0 
xaioh 50,000,448 27,220 0 0 0 
naughty you 14,575,438 115,164 0 0 0 
derpy mike 2,128,783 288,364 0 0 0 
i drops 10,349,752 313,810 0 0 0 
yourgabberm8 3,076,336 247,449 0 0 0 
ex hacker 2,038,521 498,768 0 0 0 
caperscaper 2,471,110 466,635 0 0 0 
cha0tik king 5,419,463 315,332 0 0 0 
darth nex 0 0 0 0 0 
derpy ashton 13,795,633 221,825 0 0 0 
glanzt 3,042,070 240,185 0 0 0 
i am rahl 20,298,976 83,369 0 0 0 
phioxse 2,609,268 476,236 0 0 0 
t0ny sunser1 1,221,044 347,597 0 0 0 
wpgaming 279,534 442,495 0 0 0 
zephoria 24,653,298 99,092 0 0 0 
Totals 1,326,338,930   0   0   0  

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