Change Graphs To:
Last Change: 19h56m ago Last Check: 19h56m ago
Skill | Exp | (Gain) | Rank | (Chg.) | Overall | 4,181,801,790 | (+4.7k) | 9,860 | (-1) |
Attack | 119,539,062 | (+0) | 17,633 | |
Defence | 200,000,000 | | 18,551 | |
Strength | 113,565,628 | (+0) | 18,925 | |
Constitution | 200,000,000 | | 18,393 | |
Ranged | 200,000,000 | | 4,186 | |
Prayer | 109,277,737 | (+0) | 15,752 | |
Magic | 129,768,544 | (+0) | 31,793 | |
Cooking | 148,153,386 | (+0) | 8,569 | |
Woodcutting | 128,538,306 | (+0) | 11,855 | (-1) |
Fletching | 106,645,232 | (+0) | 14,595 | |
Fishing | 200,000,000 | | 7,844 | (-1) |
Firemaking | 117,750,870 | (+0) | 16,054 | (-1) |
Crafting | 105,787,302 | (+0) | 17,010 | |
Smithing | 107,158,440 | (+0) | 16,904 | (-1) |
Mining | 124,223,171 | (+0) | 17,519 | (-2) |
Herblore | 109,863,429 | (+0) | 50,384 | |
Agility | 127,941,698 | (+4.7k) | 14,952 | |
Thieving | 116,711,658 | (+0) | 18,826 | (-1) |
Slayer | 200,000,000 | | 7,424 | |
Farming | 170,627,621 | (+0) | 26,329 | (-2) |
Runecraft | 200,000,000 | | 6,741 | |
Hunter | 115,373,906 | (+0) | 14,896 | (-1) |
Construction | 106,181,976 | (+0) | 16,805 | |
Summoning | 107,556,554 | (+0) | 17,303 | |
Dungeoneering | 129,074,181 | (+0) | 26,951 | (-1) |
Divination | 106,540,208 | (+0) | 16,993 | (-3) |
Invention | 200,000,000 | | 17,034 | (+1) |
Archaeology | 200,000,000 | | 21,428 | (-3) |
Necromancy | 181,522,881 | (+0) | 14,914 | (-1) |
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First Tracked: December 5, 2012
Exp Gain Records (Construction):
Day: 6,383,223
Week: 24,083,517
Month: 80,174,645
![Last 24 Hours Graph of Bonehouse](/graph-bonehouse.23.exp.86400.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Last 24 Hours Graph of Bonehouse](/graph-bonehouse.23.rank.86400.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Total Graph of Bonehouse](/graph-bonehouse.23.rank..294x200.000000.000000....png) |