Change Graphs To:
Last Change: 18h6m ago Last Check: 18h6m ago
Skill | Exp | (Gain) | Rank | (Chg.) | Overall | 4,634,940,520 | (+3.3m) | 7,664 | (-3) |
Attack | 110,052,666 | (+0) | 20,598 | (-16) |
Defence | 105,704,888 | (+0) | 43,100 | (-16) |
Strength | 200,000,000 | | 8,752 | (+3) |
Constitution | 200,000,000 | | 22,387 | (-24) |
Ranged | 200,000,000 | | 15,000 | (-3) |
Prayer | 44,097,481 | (+0) | 35,820 | (-22) |
Magic | 105,325,849 | (+780) | 44,663 | (-20) |
Cooking | 55,137,014 | (+0) | 27,003 | (-35) |
Woodcutting | 200,000,000 | | 7,931 | |
Fletching | 46,238,904 | (+90k) | 29,579 | (-7) |
Fishing | 200,000,000 | | 1,511 | (+4) |
Firemaking | 45,141,639 | (+0) | 43,553 | (-42) |
Crafting | 172,482,588 | (+2.6m) | 7,695 | (+58) |
Smithing | 200,000,000 | | 8,323 | (+5) |
Mining | 200,000,000 | | 10,370 | (+8) |
Herblore | 163,944,506 | (+0) | 17,382 | (-3) |
Agility | 195,438,211 | (+581k) | 9,719 | (+5) |
Thieving | 200,000,000 | | 7,884 | (+5) |
Slayer | 124,431,937 | (+0) | 35,262 | (-24) |
Farming | 200,000,000 | | 7,436 | (+12) |
Runecraft | 200,000,000 | | 7,534 | (-3) |
Hunter | 200,000,000 | | 8,137 | |
Construction | 66,944,837 | (+0) | 25,284 | (+1) |
Summoning | 200,000,000 | | 8,176 | (-1) |
Dungeoneering | 200,000,000 | | 9,827 | (+6) |
Divination | 200,000,000 | | 5,839 | (+1) |
Invention | 200,000,000 | | 8,105 | (-12) |
Archaeology | 200,000,000 | | 11,760 | (+8) |
Necromancy | 200,000,000 | | 5,300 | (+6) |
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First Tracked: October 18, 2011
Exp Gain Records (Attack):
Day: 27,144,087
Week: 27,313,761
Month: 29,845,554
![Last 7 Days Graph of Fukahire](/graph-fukahire.1.exp.604800.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Last 7 Days Graph of Fukahire](/graph-fukahire.1.rank.604800.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Total Graph of Fukahire](/graph-fukahire.1.rank..294x200.000000.000000....png) |