Change Graphs To:
Last Change: 13h35m ago Last Check: 13h35m ago
Skill | Exp | (Gain) | Rank | (Chg.) | Overall | 4,823,383,500 | (+3.4m) | 6,964 | (+9) |
Attack | 113,999,996 | (+0) | 19,074 | (+9) |
Defence | 200,000,000 | | 21,765 | (+17) |
Strength | 136,248,983 | (+0) | 14,578 | (+10) |
Constitution | 200,000,000 | | 23,680 | (+18) |
Ranged | 200,000,000 | | 16,481 | (+16) |
Prayer | 117,450,877 | (+0) | 12,794 | (+3) |
Magic | 200,000,000 | | 21,220 | (+13) |
Cooking | 113,510,919 | (+0) | 11,683 | (+2) |
Woodcutting | 200,000,000 | | 7,971 | (+3) |
Fletching | 189,978,086 | (+2.7m) | 7,402 | (+40) |
Fishing | 133,221,696 | (+49k) | 13,462 | (+14) |
Firemaking | 126,449,152 | (+151k) | 14,220 | (+35) |
Crafting | 200,000,000 | | 6,925 | (+2) |
Smithing | 111,729,764 | (+0) | 14,014 | (+3) |
Mining | 200,000,000 | | 10,446 | (+6) |
Herblore | 200,000,000 | | 10,424 | (+5) |
Agility | 198,761,498 | (+494k) | 9,616 | (+12) |
Thieving | 109,128,640 | (+0) | 22,843 | (+12) |
Slayer | 200,000,000 | | 15,342 | (+14) |
Farming | 200,000,000 | | 16,825 | (+12) |
Runecraft | 110,968,104 | (+0) | 13,528 | (+5) |
Hunter | 132,380,564 | (+0) | 11,726 | (+3) |
Construction | 136,941,356 | (+0) | 9,176 | (-1) |
Summoning | 200,000,000 | | 9,964 | (+11) |
Dungeoneering | 159,196,491 | (+0) | 18,980 | (+12) |
Divination | 133,417,374 | (+7.8k) | 10,120 | (+1) |
Invention | 200,000,000 | | 27,844 | (+22) |
Archaeology | 200,000,000 | | 19,437 | (+5) |
Necromancy | 200,000,000 | | 7,718 | (+1) |
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First Tracked: November 1, 2010
Current Exp Gain Rank (Smithing):
Day: N/A
Week: N/A
Month: 92nd
Exp Gain Records (Smithing):
Day: 3,152,410
Week: 8,413,423
Month: 18,968,622
![Last 24 Hours Graph of Glyphina](/graph-glyphina.14.exp.86400.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Last 24 Hours Graph of Glyphina](/graph-glyphina.14.rank.86400.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Total Graph of Glyphina](/graph-glyphina.14.rank..294x200.000000.000000....png) |