Change Graphs To:
Last Change: 12h49m ago Last Check: 6h30m ago
Skill | Exp | (Gain) | Rank | (Chg.) | Overall | 2,656,926,828 | (+311k) | 70,624 | (-6) |
Attack | 33,671,348 | (+0) | 72,623 | (-4) |
Defence | 39,642,261 | (+0) | 91,117 | (-11) |
Strength | 33,655,312 | (+0) | 71,245 | (-7) |
Constitution | 48,384,763 | (+0) | 112,243 | (-11) |
Ranged | 35,274,526 | (+0) | 89,204 | (-7) |
Prayer | 40,258,565 | (+0) | 37,807 | (-4) |
Magic | 100,923,083 | (+0) | 50,472 | (-5) |
Cooking | 79,660,783 | (+0) | 22,662 | (-1) |
Woodcutting | 64,834,855 | (+0) | 29,755 | (-7) |
Fletching | 114,045,728 | (+0) | 11,018 | (-3) |
Fishing | 151,452,516 | (+18k) | 11,431 | (-3) |
Firemaking | 200,000,000 | | 7,636 | |
Crafting | 200,000,000 | | 275 | |
Smithing | 107,269,586 | (+0) | 16,759 | (-3) |
Mining | 61,625,174 | (+0) | 43,954 | (-8) |
Herblore | 127,851,638 | (+0) | 27,573 | (-4) |
Agility | 82,999,240 | (+0) | 32,235 | (-1) |
Thieving | 104,932,275 | (+0) | 30,277 | (-1) |
Slayer | 141,287,315 | (+0) | 26,728 | (-3) |
Farming | 137,390,340 | (+0) | 36,095 | (-4) |
Runecraft | 53,920,062 | (+76k) | 31,615 | (+35) |
Hunter | 106,875,670 | (+0) | 20,357 | (-4) |
Construction | 67,318,608 | (+139k) | 25,222 | (+26) |
Summoning | 52,122,903 | (+0) | 36,772 | (-2) |
Dungeoneering | 109,616,369 | (+0) | 45,990 | (-2) |
Divination | 60,293,616 | (+78k) | 28,711 | (+18) |
Invention | 101,534,918 | (+0) | 74,671 | (-11) |
Archaeology | 200,000,000 | | 6,687 | (-1) |
Necromancy | 85,374 | (+0) | 254,690 | (-50) |
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First Tracked: June 8, 2008
Current Exp Gain Rank (Runecraft):
Day: 9th
Week: 45th
Month: 84th
Exp Gain Records (Runecraft):
Day: 1,637,550
Week: 3,377,587
Month: 3,595,771
![Last 24 Hours Graph of Tooneb](/graph-tooneb.21.exp.86400.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Last 24 Hours Graph of Tooneb](/graph-tooneb.21.rank.86400.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Total Graph of Tooneb](/graph-tooneb.21.rank..294x200.000000.000000....png) |