Last Change: 8h25m ago Last Check: 8h25m ago
Change Graphs To:
Skill | Exp | (Gain) | Rank | (Chg.) | Overall | 418,393,712 | (+405k) | 86,925 | (+624) |
Attack | 24,373,362 | (+0) | 57,429 | (-18) |
Defence | 21,775,425 | (+0) | 42,393 | (-20) |
Strength | 35,420,350 | (+24) | 67,707 | (-60) |
Hitpoints | 55,470,726 | (+8) | 50,292 | (-44) |
Ranged | 44,932,477 | (+0) | 76,229 | (-59) |
Prayer | 6,954,329 | (+170) | 209,291 | (-64) |
Magic | 36,850,779 | (+4.4k) | 25,121 | (-17) |
Cooking | 11,805,651 | (+0) | 415,871 | (-98) |
Woodcutting | 10,175,760 | (+0) | 228,495 | (-105) |
Fletching | 9,692,220 | (+0) | 279,970 | (-89) |
Fishing | 6,036,078 | (+0) | 279,424 | (-93) |
Firemaking | 13,235,967 | (+0) | 138,296 | (-67) |
Crafting | 15,480,179 | (+48k) | 18,608 | (+558) |
Smithing | 6,378,313 | (+0) | 162,130 | (-76) |
Mining | 9,036,885 | (+16k) | 176,061 | (+157) |
Herblore | 13,666,440 | (+0) | 31,901 | (-15) |
Agility | 5,924,881 | (+910) | 147,275 | (-53) |
Thieving | 14,652,381 | (+0) | 56,017 | (-45) |
Slayer | 27,118,165 | (+0) | 17,956 | (-18) |
Farming | 16,991,765 | (+0) | 83,716 | (-32) |
Runecraft | 5,903,645 | (+336k) | 138,254 | (+4.6k) |
Hunter | 13,116,843 | (+0) | 83,852 | (-42) |
Construction | 13,401,091 | (+0) | 17,294 | (-13) |
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First Tracked: September 30, 2021
Current Exp Gain Rank (Overall):
Day: 3499th
Week: 6173rd
Month: 9110th
Exp Gain Records (Overall):
Day: 2,002,498
Week: 6,963,121
Month: 18,047,280
![Last 24 Hours Graph of Stickz](/graph07-stickz.0.exp.86400.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Last 24 Hours Graph of Stickz](/graph07-stickz.0.rank.86400.600x300.000000.000000....png)
![Total Graph of Stickz](/graph07-stickz.0.rank..294x200.000000.000000....png) |